Monday, June 08, 2020

La Gazette Pirate References - 1722

p. 10:

From London on December 25, 1721

... The vessel La Marguerite arrived from Cadiz on the 15th, with twelve tons of piastres for the part which goes to the merchants of this city of the interests which they had in the last flotilla of Spain. We have received notice that the Hamilton Vessel returning from Jamaica to Bristol, under the command of Captain Smith, had been taken in its route by a Spanish vessel, without any reason being angry; but that both of them having been attacked then by a Pirate, had been burned after a few hours of combat. We have just learned that the Rebecca destined for Petersburg had perished in the Baltic Sea near the Isle of Bornholm.

p. 46:

From London, January 15, 1722

... We have received notice that the Onslow vessel commanded by Captain Gée had it taken by the Pirates on the coast of Guinea: that the Rebecca coming from Bilbao, was lost at the entrance of the English Channel: that the Thomas & Hannah from Maryland had broken in the rocks of the Cape of Virginia: that the Charlotte from Jamaica had failed on the coast of France, & that the Robynson had been taken by the Pirates.

p. 69-70:

From London, January 29, 1722.

... Vice-Admiral Wager received orders to return to the Ports, the warships which were to compose the squadron intended against Portugal, and we received advice from Lisbon that the Sieur Windfîels Negocient Anglois & le Sieur Robert, his partner, had been sentenced to death on the 8th of this month by the Court of Justice, which had been instructed to hear their trial, but that on the 9th the Roy [king] of Portugal had sent them their pardon by the Count of Prado his first Gentleman of the House, & that on the 10th they had been released & in possession of all the effects that had been saved
... We equip a warship to escort the ship which must transport the Duke incessantly of Portland to his Government of Jamaica. The Merchants of this City received notice that the Morning Star vessel belonging to the City of Bristol & which was going from Costes from Guinea to Carolina, had been taken recently by the Pirates, as well as another ship which was heading for New Yorck. The large number of vessels which these Corsairs have taken for some time has compelled the merchants of this Kingdom to submit a request to His Majesty, to beg her to send a greater number of warships to sea, so that the Trade is not interrupted by the races of these Pirates.

p. 127:

From London, February 26, 1722

... We have received notice that the Cassandre vessel belonging to the East India Company, which had been taken some time ago by the Pirates, had just been taken over by the Falkland warship commanded by Captain [Barrows] Harris, after a a very obstinate combat, in which the Pirates had lost more than three hundred men of their crew, & the English one hundred men or about [Is this a false report? The pirate Cassandra is still in the Indian Ocean at this time - possibly a diff. pirate vessel here]. We learned from letters arrived this week from various Ports of this Kingdom, that the Weymouth warship of fifty pieces of cannon, had been taken on the Coast of Guinea by two Pirates, one of forty, & the other of thirty-eight guns: that they had also removed another ship which returned from the slave trade, &. which was destined for Jamaica; & that three vessels loaded with Tobacco, returning from Virginia, were lost in the Rocks, in the West of Ireland.

p. 138:

From London on March 5, 1722

... According to the language of the English vessels that the Pirates have taken, burn or sink to the bottom for five years, both on the African coast, and in America, it seems that England has lost one hundred and thirty-six during this time ; This is what commits his Majesty to arm six warships to chase the pirates, & to restore in these seas the security of commerce interrupted by their races. The East India Company launched the three new Vessels it had built last year. On the 17th of last month, twenty-five Lords, Members of the House of Peers, protested against the decision of the House to admit the Bill which had just been presented there, to enhance the freedom of Elections for Members of a new Parliament; but on the 2nd of this month, their protests having been heard and examined, it was resolved to the plurality of fifty-five votes to twenty-two, that they would strike the registers off, and that there would be no regard for them. The Shares of the South Sea Company today make "ninety-eight."

p. 169:

From London on April 1, 1722.

... On the 19th, the bishop of Salisbury accompanied by several other prelates of this Kingdom, put in the name of Roy [king] the first stone of the Church of Saint Martin des Champs which was rebuilt. We put the same day in commission six warships of the fourth rank, two of which are intended to raise those who serve in the Mediterranean, three to cross on pirates along the coast of Guinea, & the sixth to reinforce the escort vessels that go to the cod fishery.

p. 225-226:

From London, April 23, 1722

... The Merchants of this City have received notice that the Mercy, one of their vessels, had been taken recently by the Pirates, on the Coste de Guinée: that the Pencel had escaped their rot, & that the Neptune loaded for Venice, was lost near Avero (?), The Company of the South Sea, currently makes load the Prince Royal of all strong of goods, whose first purchase amounts to nearly three hundred and thirty thousand pounds sterling.

p. 250:

From London, 7 May 1722

... The Comte de Clancarty, who was exiled outside the Kingdom for the cause of rebellion, obtained his pardon from the King and should arrive here in a few days. Le Guillaume & Elisabeth, arrived at the Dunes of Saint Christophe, having been looted by the Pirates a few days after I left.

p. 256-257:

From Lisbon, April 16, 1722.

From Lisbon -

An Order must be published immediately against those who defraud the rights of the Roy [king], & nineteen traders of this city accuse & convinced of having made further declarations of their goods, were condemned these days proceed to be transported to India , & they have embarked on the ship that left for Goa, from where they will no longer have the freedom to return.
... We have received notice - by a courier of Don Louis d'Acunha Minister of Roy [king] from there Majeste Trés-Chrestienne, that Don Louis L'ouis de Meneses Comte d'Ericeyra, above Viceroy des Indes Orientales, quoting from Goa to return to this Kingdom, embarked on a Portuguese vessel which had the misfortune of being attacked & taken by the Forbans [Pirates], at the height of the Isle of Saint Laurent or of Madagascar: that these Pirates, after having taken all its effects & plundered the Vessel, had put it ashore at the Isle of Bourbon: that it had embarked there a few days later on a Vessel of the Compagnie des Indes from France, & that he had happily arrived at the Port d'Orient in Brittany.

p. 347:

From London, July 2, 1722

... We received advice from Barbados, that the Hyrondelle, warship commanded by Captain Ogle, had surprised on the Coste de Guinee three Forbans [Pirates], one of thirty-eight guns commanded by the famous Robert[;] the Comte de Toulouze, French ship of thirty guns, which a few years ago captured by these Pirates, and a third of lesser consequence, and that he had led them to Cape-Coast, with two hundred crew members who were locked up in the Chasteau [Castle].


2020 Updated 2nd Kindle Edition
by Baylus C. Brooks (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
Price: $19.99

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